Attention: Next meeting on 11th February 2019 at 14:00 room Pangée (ISTerre Grenoble). The paper to be discussed will be Marsan and Lengliné (2008). Bring your favorite hot drink!

Presentations from previous discussions:

  1. 24/07/18 Discussion about Dietrich (1978).

  2. 06/09/18 Discussion about Scholz (1973).

  3. 04/10/18 Discussion about Dodge et al. (1996).

  4. 17/10/18 Discussion about Bouchon et al. (2011) and Ellsworth et al. (2018).

  5. 31/10/18 Discussion about Kato et al. (2012).

  6. 18/01/19 Discussion about Jones and Molnar (1979).

  7. 11/02/19 Discussion about Marsan and Lengliné (2008).

To fork all papers at once: follow this link